Draw a saggital section of the female reproductive system, labeling the following structures: uterosacral ligament,
perimetrium, rectouterine pouch, rectum, anus, urogenital diaphragm, posterior fornix, cervix, anterior fornix, suspensory
ligament of ovary, ovary, infundibulum, fimbriae, uterine tube, uterus, round ligament, urinary bladder, symphysis pubis,
mons, pubis, urethra, clitoris, eternal urethral orifice, labium minora, and labium majora.
Draw a longitudinal section of an ovary, labeling the following structures: tunica albuginea, ovarian arteries, ovarian
follicles, corpus luteum, ovarian medulla, germinal epithelium, and primordial follicles.
Draw a longitudinal section of a Graafian follicle, labeling the following structures: antrum, oocyte, and zona
Draw a longitudinal section of the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina, labeling the following parts: ampulla, infundibulum,
fimbriae, isthmus, body, fundus, cervix, cervical canal, external os, internal os, perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium, vaginal
orifice, hymen, and vaginal fornix.
Draw a longitudinal section of the uterine wall and label the following structures: uterine artery, arcuate
artery, straight artery, coiled artery, endometrial vein, epthilial capillaries, sinusoids, lamina propira, urterine
glands, epithelium, lumen, smooth muscle, stratum functionalis, stratum basalis, perimetrium and myometrium.
Draw a saggital section of a mammary gland, labeling the following structures: skin, pectoralis major, suspensory
ligaments, adipose tissues, lobes, alveoli, areola, nipple, lacteriferous glands, lacteriferious ducts, lacteriferous sinus,
and lobules.