1. Draw a flow chart that gives the steps of spermatogenesis and shows the effect of pituitary and male hormones.
Describe the embryonic development of the internal and external male reproductive structures.
3. Discuss
the importance of the following muscles: cremaster, dartos, and gubernaculum.
4, Discuss the two basic
functions of the testes.
5. Discuss the function of the interstitial endocrinocytes.
6. Discuss
the function of the sustenticular cells.
7 List the accessory reproductive structures of the male.
Explain why the scrotum can be called a thermoregulatory organ.
9. Discuss the chemical characteristics
of testosterone and name the cells that produce it.
10. Discuss the role of testosterone in the developing
11. Discuss the effect of testosterone on the male sex organs during puberty.
Discuss the effect of testosterone on the voice, muscle development, bone growth, hematopoiesis, body hair, hair
loss, and the skin in puberty and in adulthood.
13. Discuss the importance of dihydrotestosterone.
Discuss the importance of dehyropeinadrosterone and name the organ that secretes it
15. Discuss the
intracellular effect of testosterone.
16. Discuss the importance of GnRH, LH, FSH and inhibin in testosterone
secretion. Name the type of feedback control that is demonstrated.
17. Discuss the effect low levels of
FSH would have on spermatogenesis.
18. Explain the importance of the blood-testes barrier.
Discuss how puberty is triggered in the young male child.
20. Describe the major effects of castration
on a young child.
21. Describe the major effects of castration on an adult male.
22. Discuss
the characteristics of a mature sperm.
23. Discuss the three primary functions of the epididymis.
Discuss the roles of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland in semen formation.
25. Discuss the
relationship between sperm count and fertility.
26. Explain the importance of hyaluronidase and the proteases
secreted by the sperm.
27. Discuss the role of the autonomic nervous system in erection, emission and
28. Trace the pathway of a sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the external urethral orifice.
Explain the importance of the alkaline secretions of the male reproductive tract.
30. List
the components of semen and summarize their functions.
Discuss the following clinical conditions or procedures
in the male: 31. cryptorchidism, 32. prostate cancer, 33. testicular
cancer, 34. prostatectomy, 35. gonorrhea, 36. syphilis, 37.
herpes, 38. aids generally and in respect to the male, 39. vasectomy, 40.
male infertility, 41. phimosis, 42. inguinal hernia, 43.
genital warts, 44. chlamydia, 45. impotence.
46. Discuss
the effects of aging on the male reproductive
47. Discuss how the male reproductive system differs
functionally from all the other systems of the body.
48. Discuss how the male and female reproductive systems
differ from each other functionally and anatomically.
49. Compare and contrast spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
Explain why a doctor might place a finger in the inguinal ring and ask a male patient to cough.
51. Explain
why a woman may become pregnant even if the man does not ejaculate during sex.